Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Recession can seriously damage your health

It's been so long since I blogged you probably thought I'd joined the increasing army of unemployed. But fear not, we're still here and the day MHF president Ian Banks compares the P45 to the loaded gun is a good day to get back to the blog.

As the recession bites, we need our health - mental and physical. It's important, as the president of the Association of Directors of Public Health says this month, that health is not neglected by the government as it tries to find solutions to the economic crisis.

As belts are being tightened everywhere, it's really important to know what you can expect from the NHS. This month's article from the man from NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence), the organisation who set guidelines for the NHS will help. The dole and and depression go hand in hand. Did you know that for mild depression, NICE recommends talking therapies like counselling? Your GP ought to offer this.

There's also advice on malehealth about how get the best to use the NHS and how to deal with depression when it hits. Losing your job happens. It's not your fault. It's a joke of system. How can society be richer than it has ever been but it members more insecure than they've ever been? No, it's not your fault. But understand the danger. An economic downturn can change the way you feel about life and yourself. You need to be aware of that and get help sooner rather than later if you feel yourself falling.

Government and health policy makers need to understand the real health impact of unemployment and recession but it's important that those of us affected by it understand it to.

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