Monday, August 24, 2009

Ashes win and the flame of desire

Your team's sporting success can give you a shot in the arm of testosterone just as if you were playing yourself. Indeed, it's so effective, that it's one of malehealth's top ten health tips that any fool can do.

So English cricket fans - and, even more incredibly, Tottenham Hotspur supporters - should have a spring in their stride this morning. But while testosterone - like alcohol - might increase the desire, it won't make a lot of difference to performance which could result in disappointment for many blokes (and their partners).

If you want to celebrate with a roll in the sack but can't, what do you do? You might be tempted to ignore it but don't. Erection problems may be the sign of another more serious health problem such as heart disease or diabetes.

Phil Tufnell, the England spinner turned TV pundit has been fronting a drug-company website aimed at helping men with erectile dysfunction (ED). (This blog isn't just cobbled together, you know, one item leads on seamlessly to another!) But, of course, drugs aren't the only treatment for ED and self-diagnosing with drugs and self-prescribing could mean those more serious problems get missed.

Check out malehealth's advice on sorting out your sexual problems and talk to your GP. Unless he's an Australian, he'll understand.

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